Patient previous menses is normal with 28 days. After she was infected with virus and became hyperthyroidism and then changed into hypothyroidism. Her cycle changed to 40 days. She always feels cold. Her face has acne and weight gains. She has been tried for pregnancy but failed. She stopped TTC under advice of her Endocrinologist. After taking medications, her TSH is marginal (4 to 5). She came to start acupuncture and sequential herbs combination treatment.
BBT chart keys: lower temperature Follicle < 97F, Luteal < 97.8F, long Follicle phase > 18 days, short Luteal phase < 12 days. Ovulation day constant. Tongue black spot tip
Yin deficiency first and then causes Yang Deficiency.
First month of treatment, follicle phase is 18 days, average BBT 96.9F. Luteal phase 11 days, BBT 97.7F.
Third month into treatment, Follicle phase BBT rise to 97.1F. After 3 months, she was pregnant.