About Me

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Mr.Shu Fan (樊舒先生) is a licensed Washington DC Acupuncturist serving patients in DC, Virginia and Maryland area. Mr. Fan holds the National Certification of Oriental Medicine which includes the practice of Acupuncture, Chinese Herbology and Asian Bodywork Therapy. Mr. Fan is specialized in pain management, fertility and skin care. He is a member of American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). He pursue his Ph.D ObGyn study in China Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine under Prof. Tan Yong (谈勇) and had his clinic training in JiangSu Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine. His acupuncture advisor is Prof.Sheng (盛灿若). Mr. Fan's office: 1712 I (eye) St NW,#410 , Washington, DC 20036 Tel: 202-246-8833 703-772-7592 Email: acupuncturewellnessfan@gmail.com

Friday, September 6, 2013

Morning Sickness Nausea

Morning Sickness

The first trimester is often accompanied by morning sickness marked by nausea and sometimes vomiting. The symptom is a reflection of an underlying Qi imbalance in the digestive function of the internal organs. Often it can be attributed to the spleen organ system. The spleen is particularly sensitive to worry. This condition is responsive to acupuncture treatment. Pericardium 6 is the most famous point used since it harmonizes the digestion. The aim of the treatment is to subdue rebellious stomach Qi moving in the wrong direction. Sea bands, easily found in health food stores to treat sea sickness and vertigo, work by stimulating this point and can be used to treat morning sickness. Ginger, an ingredient commonly used in Chinese herbal formulas to assist assimilation, can also be used as a digestive aid.

Excessive vomiting is referred to as hyperemesis gravidum in the medical literature and can be severe enough to require hospitalization. The usefulness of acupuncture treatment for this condition has been widely studied and found to be superior to pharmaceutical intervention. *

Other common digestive tract issues that arise in pregnancy that can be treated with acupuncture include:
  • Heartburn
  • Constipation
  • Hemorrhoids
You can also search CNN for MD using acupuncture for morning sickness.